

With the scenario_settings.json file you set up your calcualtion. The file can be found on github.


This file contains all input settings for the eGo tool.

Object Properties:
  • global (global) – Global settings that are valid for both eTraGo and eDisGo
  • eTraGo (eTraGo) – eTraGo settings, only valid for eTraGo run
  • eDisGo (eDisGo) – eDisGo settings, only valid for eDisGo runs
Object Properties:
  • eTraGo (bool) – Decide if you want to run the eTraGo tool (HV/EHV grid optimization).
  • eDisGo (bool) – Decide if you want to run the eDisGo tool (MV grid optimiztaion).
  • db (string) – Name of your database (e.g.``’‘oedb’‘``).
  • recover (bool) – If true, (previously calculated) eTraGo results are queried from your database (instead of performing a new run).
  • result_id (int) – ID of the (previeously calculated) eTraGo results that are queried if recover is set true.
  • gridversion (string) – Version of the open_eGo input data-sets (e.g. ''v0.4.2'')

This section of scenario_setting.json contains all input parameters for the eTraGo tool. A description of the parameters can be found here.

Please note that some parameters are already included in global


This section of scenario_setting.json contains all input parameters for the eDisGo tool and the clustering of MV grids.

Object Properties:
  • ding0_files (string) – Relative path to the MV grid files (created by ding0) (e.g. ''data/MV_grids/20180713110719'')
  • choice_mode (string) – Mode that eGo uses to chose MV grids out of the files in ding0_files (e.g. ''manual'', ''cluster'' or ''all''). If ''manual'' is chosen, the parameter manual_grids must contain a list of the desired grids. If ''cluster'' is chosen, no_grids must specify the desired number of clusters. If ''all'' is chosen, all MV grids from ding0_files are calculated.
  • manual_grids (list) – List of MV grid ID’s (open_eGo HV/MV substation ID’s)
  • no_grids (int) – Number of MV grid clusters (from all files in ding0_files, a specified number of representative clusters is calculated)

This is the application file for the tool eGo. The application eGo calculates the distribution and transmission grids of eTraGo and eDisGo.


Note, the data source of eGo relies on the Open Energy Database. - The registration for the public accessible API can be found on

Run the file with:

>>> python3
>>> ...
>>> INFO:ego:Start calculation
>>> ...

The eGo App works like:

>>> from import eGo
>>> ego = eGo(jsonpath='scenario_setting.json')
>>> ego.etrago_line_loading()
>>> print(ego.etrago.storage_costs)
>>> ...
>>> INFO:ego:Start calculation
>>> ...