
eGo is designed as a Python package therefore it is mandatory to have Python 3 installed. If you have a working Python3 environment, use PyPI to install the latest eGo version. We highly recommend to use a virtual environment. Use the following pip command in order to install eGo:

$ pip3 install eGo --process-dependency-links

Please ensure, that you are using the pip version 18.1. Use pip install --upgrade pip==18.1 to get the right pip version.

Using virtual environment

At first create a virtual environment and activate it:

$ virtualenv venv --clear -p python3.5
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd venv

Inside your virtual environment you can install eGo with the pip command.

Linux and Ubuntu

The package eGo is tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 inside a virtual environment of virtualenv. The installation is shown above.

Windows or Mac OSX users

For Windows and/or Mac OSX user we highly recommend to install and use Anaconda for your Python3 installation. First install anaconda including python version 3.5 or higher from and open an anaconda prompt as administrator and run:

$ conda install pip
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install shapely
$ pip3 install eGo --process-dependency-links

The full documentation can be found on this page. We use Anaconda with an own environment in order to reduce problems with packages and different versions on our system. Learn more about Anacona environments.

Setup database connection

The package gives you a python SQL-Alchemy representation of the OpenEnergy-Database (oedb) and access to it by using the oedialect - a SQL-Alchemy binding Python package for the REST-API used by the OpenEnergy Platform (OEP). Your API access / login data will be saved in the folder .egoio in the file config.ini. You can create a new account on

oedialect connection

dialect  = oedialect
username = <username>
database = oedb
host     =
port     = 80
password = <token>

Local database connection

username = YourOEDBUserName
database = YourLocalDatabaseName
host = localhost or
port = 5433
pw = YourLocalPassword

Old developer connection

username = YourOEDBUserName
database = oedb
host =
port = 5432
pw = YourOEDBPassword

Please find more information on Developer notes.