Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018 Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description
This file is part of the eGo toolbox.
It contains the class definition for multiple eDisGo networks.
__copyright__ = (
    "Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
    "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
    "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = "wolf_bunke, maltesc, mltja"

import json
import logging
import os
import pickle

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta as td
from time import localtime, sleep, strftime

# Import
from traceback import TracebackException

import dill
import multiprocess as mp2
import pandas as pd

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from edisgo.edisgo import import_edisgo_from_files
    from edisgo.flex_opt.reinforce_grid import enhanced_reinforce_grid
    from import distribute_overlying_grid_requirements
    from import Config
    from import setup_logger
    from import mv_grid_topology
    from import (
    from import (

    from ego.mv_clustering import cluster_workflow, database
    from import edisgo_grid_investment
    from import (

# Logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

dill.settings["protocol"] = 4

[docs]class EDisGoNetworks: """ Performs multiple eDisGo runs and stores the resulting edisgo_grids Parameters ---------- json_file : :obj:dict Dictionary of the ``scenario_setting.json`` file etrago_network: :class:`` eTraGo network object compiled by :meth:`etrago.appl.etrago` """ def __init__(self, json_file, etrago_network): # Genral Json Inputs self._json_file = json_file self._set_scenario_settings() # Create reduced eTraGo network self._etrago_network = ETraGoMinimalData(etrago_network) del etrago_network # Program information self._run_finished = False # eDisGo Result grids self._edisgo_grids = {} if self._csv_import: self._load_edisgo_results() self._successful_grids = self._successful_grids() self._grid_investment_costs = edisgo_grid_investment(self, self._json_file) else: # Only clustering results if self._only_cluster: self._set_grid_choice() if self._results: self._save_edisgo_results() self._grid_investment_costs = None else: # Execute Functions self._set_grid_choice() self._init_status() self._run_edisgo_pool() if self._results: self._save_edisgo_results() self._successful_grids = self._successful_grids() self._grid_investment_costs = edisgo_grid_investment( self, self._json_file ) @property def network(self): """ Container for EDisGo objects, including all results Returns ------- dict[int, :class:`edisgo.EDisGo`] Dictionary of EDisGo objects, keyed by MV grid ID """ return self._edisgo_grids @property def grid_choice(self): """ Container for the choice of MV grids, including their weighting Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe containing the chosen grids and their weightings 'no_of_points_per_cluster', 'the_selected_network_id', 'represented_grids' """ return self._grid_choice @property def successful_grids(self): """ Relative number of successfully calculated MV grids (Includes clustering weighting) Returns ------- int Relative number of grids """ return self._successful_grids @property def grid_investment_costs(self): """ Grid investment costs Returns ------- None or :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe containing annuity costs per voltage level """ return self._grid_investment_costs
[docs] def plot_storage_integration(self, mv_grid_id, **kwargs): """ Plots storage position in MV grid of integrated storages. For more information see :func:``. """ mv_grid_topology( self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.pypsa, self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.config, node_color=kwargs.get("storage_integration", None), filename=kwargs.get("filename", None), grid_district_geom=kwargs.get("grid_district_geom", True), background_map=kwargs.get("background_map", True), xlim=kwargs.get("xlim", None), ylim=kwargs.get("ylim", None), title=kwargs.get("title", ""), )
[docs] def plot_grid_expansion_costs(self, mv_grid_id, **kwargs): """ Plots costs per MV line. For more information see :func:``. """ mv_grid_topology( self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.pypsa, self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.config, line_color="expansion_costs", grid_expansion_costs=( self._edisgo_grids[ mv_grid_id ].network.results.grid_expansion_costs.rename( columns={"overnight_costs": "total_costs"} ) ), filename=kwargs.get("filename", None), grid_district_geom=kwargs.get("grid_district_geom", True), background_map=kwargs.get("background_map", True), limits_cb_lines=kwargs.get("limits_cb_lines", None), xlim=kwargs.get("xlim", None), ylim=kwargs.get("ylim", None), lines_cmap=kwargs.get("lines_cmap", "inferno_r"), title=kwargs.get("title", ""), )
[docs] def plot_line_loading(self, mv_grid_id, **kwargs): """ Plots relative line loading (current from power flow analysis to allowed current) of MV lines. For more information see :func:``. """ mv_grid_topology( self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.pypsa, self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.config, timestep=kwargs.get("timestep", None), line_color="loading", node_color=kwargs.get("node_color", None), line_load=self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.results.s_res(), filename=kwargs.get("filename", None), arrows=kwargs.get("arrows", None), grid_district_geom=kwargs.get("grid_district_geom", True), background_map=kwargs.get("background_map", True), voltage=None, # change API limits_cb_lines=kwargs.get("limits_cb_lines", None), limits_cb_nodes=kwargs.get("limits_cb_nodes", None), xlim=kwargs.get("xlim", None), ylim=kwargs.get("ylim", None), lines_cmap=kwargs.get("lines_cmap", "inferno_r"), title=kwargs.get("title", ""), )
[docs] def plot_mv_grid_topology(self, mv_grid_id, **kwargs): """ Plots plain MV grid topology. For more information see :func:``. """ mv_grid_topology( self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.pypsa, self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id].network.config, filename=kwargs.get("filename", None), grid_district_geom=kwargs.get("grid_district_geom", True), background_map=kwargs.get("background_map", True), xlim=kwargs.get("xlim", None), ylim=kwargs.get("ylim", None), title=kwargs.get("title", ""), )
def _init_status(self): """ Creates a status csv file where statuses of MV grid calculations are tracked. The file is saved to the directory 'status'. Filename indicates date and time the file was created. File contains the following information: * 'MV grid id' (index) * 'cluster_perc' - percentage of grids represented by this grid * 'start_time' - start time of calculation * 'end_time' - end time of calculation """ self._status_dir = os.path.join(self._json_file["eDisGo"]["results"], "status") if not os.path.exists(self._status_dir): os.makedirs(self._status_dir) self._status_file_name = "eGo_" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", localtime()) status = self._grid_choice.copy() status = status.set_index("the_selected_network_id") status.index.names = ["MV grid id"] status["cluster_perc"] = ( status["no_of_points_per_cluster"] / self._grid_choice["no_of_points_per_cluster"].sum() ) status["start_time"] = "Not started yet" status["end_time"] = "Not finished yet" status.drop( ["no_of_points_per_cluster", "represented_grids"], axis=1, inplace=True ) self._status_file_path = os.path.join( self._status_dir, self._status_file_name + ".csv" ) status.to_csv(self._status_file_path) def _status_update(self, mv_grid_id, time, message=None, show=True): """ Updates status csv file where statuses of MV grid calculations are tracked. Parameters ---------- mv_grid_id : int MV grid ID of the ding0 grid. time : str Can be either 'start' to set information on when the calculation started or 'end' to set information on when the calculation ended. In case a message is provided through parameter `message`, the message instead of the time is set. message : str or None (optional) Message to set for 'start_time' or 'end_time'. If None, the current time is set. Default: None. show : bool (optional) If True, shows a logging message with the status information. Default: True. """ status = pd.read_csv(self._status_file_path, index_col=0) status["start_time"] = status["start_time"].astype(str) status["end_time"] = status["end_time"].astype(str) if message: now = message else: now = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M", localtime()) if time == "start":[mv_grid_id, "start_time"] = now elif time == "end":[mv_grid_id, "end_time"] = now if show:"\n\neDisGo status: \n\n" + status.to_string() + "\n\n") status.to_csv(self._status_file_path) def _update_edisgo_configs(self, edisgo_grid): """ This function overwrites some eDisGo configurations with eGo settings. The overwritten configs are: * config['db_connection']['section'] * config['data_source']['oedb_data_source'] * config['versioned']['version'] """ # Info and Warning handling if not hasattr(self, "_suppress_log"): self._suppress_log = False # Only in the first run warnings and # info get thrown # Versioned ego_gridversion = self._grid_version if ego_gridversion is None: ego_versioned = "model_draft" if not self._suppress_log: "eGo's grid_version == None is " + "evaluated as data source: model_draft" ) else: ego_versioned = "versioned" if not self._suppress_log: ( "eGo's grid_version == '{}' is " + "evaluated as data source: versioned" ).format(ego_gridversion) ) edisgo_versioned =["data_source"]["oedb_data_source"] if not ego_versioned == edisgo_versioned: if not self._suppress_log: logger.warning( ( "eDisGo data source configuration ('{}') " + "will be overwritten with data source config. from " + "eGo's scenario settings (data source: '{}')" ).format(edisgo_versioned, ego_versioned) )["data_source"][ "oedb_data_source" ] = ego_versioned # Gridversion ego_gridversion = self._grid_version edisgo_gridversion =["versioned"]["version"] if not ego_gridversion == edisgo_gridversion: if not self._suppress_log: logger.warning( ( "eDisGo version configuration (version: '{}') " + "will be overwritten with version configuration " + "from eGo's scenario settings (version: '{}')" ).format(edisgo_gridversion, ego_gridversion) )["versioned"]["version"] = ego_gridversion self._suppress_log = True def _set_scenario_settings(self): self._csv_import = self._json_file["eGo"]["csv_import_eDisGo"] # eTraGo args self._etrago_args = self._json_file["eTraGo"] self._scn_name = self._etrago_args["scn_name"] self._ext_storage = "storage" in self._etrago_args["extendable"] if self._ext_storage:"eTraGo Dataset used extendable storage") self._pf_post_lopf = self._etrago_args["pf_post_lopf"] # eDisGo args import if self._csv_import: # raise NotImplementedError with open(os.path.join(self._csv_import, "edisgo_args.json")) as f: edisgo_args = json.load(f) self._json_file["eDisGo"] = edisgo_args "All eDisGo settings are taken from CSV folder" + "(scenario settings are ignored)" ) # This overwrites the original object... # Imported or directly from the Settings # eDisGo section of the settings self._edisgo_args = self._json_file["eDisGo"] # Reading all eDisGo settings # TODO: Integrate into a for-loop self._grid_version = self._edisgo_args["gridversion"] self._solver = self._edisgo_args["solver"] self._grid_path = self._edisgo_args["grid_path"] self._choice_mode = self._edisgo_args["choice_mode"] self._parallelization = self._edisgo_args["parallelization"] self._cluster_attributes = self._edisgo_args["cluster_attributes"] self._only_cluster = self._edisgo_args["only_cluster"] self._max_workers = self._edisgo_args["max_workers"] self._max_cos_phi_renewable = self._edisgo_args["max_cos_phi_renewable"] self._results = self._edisgo_args["results"] self._max_calc_time = self._edisgo_args["max_calc_time"] # Some basic checks if self._only_cluster: logger.warning("\n\nThis eDisGo run only returns cluster results\n\n") # Versioning if self._grid_version is not None: self._versioned = True else: self._versioned = False def _successful_grids(self): """ Calculates the relative number of successfully calculated grids, including the cluster weightings """ total, success, fail = 0, 0, 0 for key, value in self._edisgo_grids.items(): weight = self._grid_choice.loc[ self._grid_choice["the_selected_network_id"] == key ]["no_of_points_per_cluster"].values[0] total += weight if hasattr(value, "network"): success += weight else: fail += weight return success / total def _cluster_mv_grids(self): """ Clusters the MV grids based on the attributes, for a given number of MV grids Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe containing the clustered MV grids and their weightings """ cluster_df = cluster_workflow(config=self._json_file) # Filter for clusters with representatives. cluster_df = cluster_df[cluster_df["representative"].astype(bool)] return cluster_df def _identify_extended_storages(self): all_mv_grids = self._check_available_mv_grids() storages = pd.DataFrame(index=all_mv_grids, columns=["storage_p_nom"])"Identifying extended storage") for mv_grid in all_mv_grids: min_extended = 0.3 stor_p_nom = self._etrago_network.storage_units.loc[ (self._etrago_network.storage_units["bus"] == str(mv_grid)) & ( self._etrago_network.storage_units["p_nom_extendable"] == True # noqa: E712 ) & (self._etrago_network.storage_units["p_nom_opt"] > min_extended) & (self._etrago_network.storage_units["max_hours"] <= 20.0) ]["p_nom_opt"] if len(stor_p_nom) == 1: stor_p_nom = stor_p_nom.values[0] elif len(stor_p_nom) == 0: stor_p_nom = 0.0 else: raise IndexError[mv_grid, "storage_p_nom"] = stor_p_nom return storages def _check_available_mv_grids(self): """ Checks all available MV grids in the given folder (from the settings) Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of MV grid ID's """ mv_grids = [] for file in os.listdir(self._grid_path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._grid_path, file)): mv_grids.append(int(file)) return mv_grids def _set_grid_choice(self): """ Sets the grid choice based on the settings file """ choice_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "no_of_points_per_cluster", "the_selected_network_id", "represented_grids", ] ) if self._choice_mode == "cluster": cluster_df = self._cluster_mv_grids() n_clusters = self._json_file["eDisGo"]["n_clusters"] n_clusters_found = cluster_df.shape[0] if n_clusters == n_clusters_found:"Clustering to {n_clusters} MV grids") else: logger.warning( f"For {n_clusters} only for {n_clusters_found} clusters " f"found working grids." ) choice_df["the_selected_network_id"] = cluster_df["representative"] choice_df["no_of_points_per_cluster"] = cluster_df["n_grids_per_cluster"] choice_df["represented_grids"] = cluster_df["represented_grids"] elif self._choice_mode == "manual": man_grids = self._edisgo_args["manual_grids"] choice_df["the_selected_network_id"] = man_grids choice_df["no_of_points_per_cluster"] = 1 choice_df["represented_grids"] = [ [mv_grid_id] for mv_grid_id in choice_df["the_selected_network_id"] ]"Calculating manually chosen MV grids {}".format(man_grids)) elif self._choice_mode == "all": mv_grids = self._check_available_mv_grids() choice_df["the_selected_network_id"] = mv_grids choice_df["no_of_points_per_cluster"] = 1 choice_df["represented_grids"] = [ [mv_grid_id] for mv_grid_id in choice_df["the_selected_network_id"] ] no_grids = len(mv_grids)"Calculating all available {} MV grids".format(no_grids)) choice_df = choice_df.sort_values("no_of_points_per_cluster", ascending=False) self._grid_choice = choice_df def _run_edisgo_pool(self): """ Runs eDisGo for the chosen grids """ parallelization = self._parallelization results_dir = self._results if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir) if parallelization is True:"Run eDisGo parallel") mv_grids = self._grid_choice["the_selected_network_id"].tolist() no_cpu = mp2.cpu_count() if no_cpu > self._max_workers: no_cpu = self._max_workers "Number of workers limited to {} by user".format(self._max_workers) ) self._edisgo_grids = set(mv_grids) self._edisgo_grids = parallelizer( mv_grids, lambda *xs: xs[1].run_edisgo(xs[0]), (self,), self._max_calc_time, workers=no_cpu, ) for g in mv_grids: if g not in self._edisgo_grids: self._edisgo_grids[g] = "Timeout" else:"Run eDisGo sequencial") no_grids = len(self._grid_choice) count = 0 for idx, row in self._grid_choice.iterrows(): prog = "%.1f" % (count / no_grids * 100)"{} % Calculated by eDisGo".format(prog)) mv_grid_id = int(row["the_selected_network_id"])"MV grid {}".format(mv_grid_id)) try: edisgo_grid = self.run_edisgo(mv_grid_id) self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id] = edisgo_grid except Exception as e: self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id] = e logger.exception("MV grid {} failed: \n".format(mv_grid_id)) count += 1 self._csv_import = self._json_file["eDisGo"]["results"] self._save_edisgo_results() self._load_edisgo_results() self._run_finished = True
[docs] def run_edisgo(self, mv_grid_id): """ Performs a single eDisGo run Parameters ---------- mv_grid_id : int MV grid ID of the ding0 grid Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` Returns the complete eDisGo container, also including results """ self._status_update(mv_grid_id, "start", show=False) # ##################### general settings #################### config = self._json_file scenario = config["eTraGo"]["scn_name"] engine = database.get_engine(config=config) # results directory results_dir = os.path.join(self._results, str(mv_grid_id)) if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir) # logger if self._parallelization: stream_level = None else: stream_level = "debug" setup_logger( loggers=[ # {"name": "root", "file_level": None, "stream_level": None}, # {"name": "ego", "file_level": None, "stream_level": None}, {"name": "edisgo", "file_level": "debug", "stream_level": stream_level}, ], file_name=f"run_edisgo_{mv_grid_id}.log", log_dir=results_dir, ) # use edisgo logger in order to have all logging information for one grid go # to the same file logger = logging.getLogger("edisgo.external.ego._run_edisgo") edisgo_grid = None time_intervals = None # ################### task: setup grid ################## if "1_setup_grid" in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: # data is always imported for the full flex scenario, wherefore in case # a low-flex scenario is given, the lowflex-extension is dropped for the # data import if scenario.split("_")[-1] == "lowflex": scn = scenario.split("_")[0] else: scn = scenario edisgo_grid = self._run_edisgo_task_setup_grid( mv_grid_id, scn, logger, config, engine ) directory=os.path.join(results_dir, "grid_data"), save_topology=True, save_timeseries=True, save_results=True, save_electromobility=True, save_dsm=True, save_heatpump=True, save_overlying_grid=False, reduce_memory=True, archive=True, archive_type="zip", parameters={"grid_expansion_results": ["equipment_changes"]}, ) if "2_specs_overlying_grid" not in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: return { results_dir} # ################### task: specs overlying grid ################## if "2_specs_overlying_grid" in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: if edisgo_grid is None: grid_path = os.path.join(results_dir, "") edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files( edisgo_path=grid_path, import_topology=True, import_timeseries=True, import_results=True, import_electromobility=True, import_heat_pump=True, import_dsm=True, import_overlying_grid=False, from_zip_archive=True, ) edisgo_grid.legacy_grids = False edisgo_grid = self._run_edisgo_task_specs_overlying_grid( edisgo_grid, scenario, logger, config, engine ) zip_name = "grid_data_overlying_grid" if scenario in ["eGon2035_lowflex", "eGon100RE_lowflex"]: zip_name += "_lowflex" directory=os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name), save_topology=True, save_timeseries=True, save_results=True, save_electromobility=True, save_dsm=True, save_heatpump=True, save_overlying_grid=True, reduce_memory=True, archive=True, archive_type="zip", parameters={"grid_expansion_results": ["equipment_changes"]}, ) # ################### task: temporal complexity reduction ################## # task temporal complexity reduction is optional if "3_temporal_complexity_reduction" in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: if edisgo_grid is None: if scenario in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: zip_name = "" else: zip_name = "" grid_path = os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name) edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files( edisgo_path=grid_path, import_topology=True, import_timeseries=True, import_results=True, import_electromobility=True, import_heat_pump=True, import_dsm=True, import_overlying_grid=True, from_zip_archive=True, ) edisgo_grid.legacy_grids = False time_intervals = self._run_edisgo_task_temporal_complexity_reduction( edisgo_grid, logger, config ) # determine whether work flow ends here or continues, and if it continues # whether time intervals need to be loaded if "4_optimisation" not in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: return { results_dir} # ########################## task: optimisation ########################## if "4_optimisation" in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: if edisgo_grid is None: if scenario in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: zip_name = "" else: zip_name = "" grid_path = os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name) edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files( edisgo_path=grid_path, import_topology=True, import_timeseries=True, import_results=True, import_electromobility=True, import_heat_pump=True, import_dsm=True, import_overlying_grid=True, from_zip_archive=True, ) edisgo_grid.legacy_grids = False if time_intervals is None: # load time intervals time_intervals = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(results_dir, "selected_time_intervals.csv"), index_col=0, ) for ti in time_intervals.index: time_steps =[ti, "time_steps"] if time_steps is not None:[ti, "time_steps"] = pd.date_range( start=time_steps.split("'")[1], periods=int(time_steps.split("=")[-2].split(",")[0]), freq="H", ) edisgo_grid = self._run_edisgo_task_optimisation( edisgo_grid, scenario, logger, time_intervals, results_dir ) zip_name = "grid_data_optimisation" if scenario in ["eGon2035_lowflex", "eGon100RE_lowflex"]: zip_name += "_lowflex" directory=os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name), save_topology=True, save_timeseries=True, save_results=True, save_opf_results=True, save_electromobility=False, save_dsm=False, save_heatpump=False, save_overlying_grid=False, reduce_memory=True, archive=True, archive_type="zip", parameters={"grid_expansion_results": ["equipment_changes"]}, ) if "5_grid_reinforcement" not in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: return { results_dir} # ########################## reinforcement ########################## if "5_grid_reinforcement" in config["eDisGo"]["tasks"]: if edisgo_grid is None: if scenario in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: zip_name = "" else: zip_name = "" grid_path = os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name) edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files( edisgo_path=grid_path, import_topology=True, import_timeseries=True, import_results=True, import_electromobility=False, import_heat_pump=False, import_dsm=False, import_overlying_grid=False, from_zip_archive=True, ) edisgo_grid.legacy_grids = False edisgo_grid = self._run_edisgo_task_grid_reinforcement(edisgo_grid, logger) directory=os.path.join( results_dir, f"grid_data_reinforcement_{scenario}" ), save_topology=True, save_timeseries=True, save_results=True, save_electromobility=False, save_dsm=False, save_heatpump=False, save_overlying_grid=False, reduce_memory=True, archive=True, archive_type="zip", ) self._status_update(mv_grid_id, "end") return { results_dir}
def _run_edisgo_task_setup_grid(self, mv_grid_id, scenario, logger, config, engine): """ Sets up EDisGo object for future scenario (without specifications from overlying grid). The following data is set up: * load time series of conventional loads * generator park * home storage units * DSM data * heat pumps including heat demand and COP time series per heat pump * charging points with standing times, etc. as well as charging time series for uncontrolled charging (done so that public charging points have a charging time series) and flexibility bands for home and work charging points A dummy time index is set that is later on overwritten by the time index used in eTraGo. Parameters ---------- mv_grid_id : int MV grid ID of the ding0 grid. scenario : str Name of scenario to import data for. Possible options are "eGon2035" and "eGon100RE". logger : logger handler config : dict Dictionary with configuration data. engine : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.Engine<sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` Database engine. Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` """"MV grid {mv_grid_id}: Start task 'setup_grid'.")"MV grid {mv_grid_id}: Initialize MV grid.") grid_path = os.path.join( config["eDisGo"]["grid_path"], str(mv_grid_id), ) if not os.path.isdir(grid_path): msg = f"MV grid {mv_grid_id}: No grid data found." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files(edisgo_path=grid_path) edisgo_grid.legacy_grids = False # overwrite configs edisgo_grid._config = Config() edisgo_grid.set_timeindex(pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=8760, freq="H"))"Set up load time series of conventional loads.") edisgo_grid.set_time_series_active_power_predefined( conventional_loads_ts="oedb", engine=engine, scenario=scenario ) edisgo_grid.set_time_series_reactive_power_control( control="fixed_cosphi", generators_parametrisation=None, loads_parametrisation="default", storage_units_parametrisation=None, ) # overwrite p_set of conventional loads as it changes from scenario to scenario edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df[ "p_set" ] = edisgo_grid.timeseries.loads_active_power.max()"Set up generator park.") edisgo_grid.import_generators(generator_scenario=scenario, engine=engine)"Set up home storage units.") edisgo_grid.import_home_batteries(scenario=scenario, engine=engine)"Set up DSM data.") edisgo_grid.import_dsm(scenario=scenario, engine=engine)"Set up heat supply and demand data.") edisgo_grid.import_heat_pumps(scenario=scenario, engine=engine)"Set up electromobility data.") edisgo_grid.import_electromobility( data_source="oedb", scenario=scenario, engine=engine ) # apply charging strategy so that public charging points have a charging # time series edisgo_grid.apply_charging_strategy(strategy="dumb") # get flexibility bands for home and work charging points edisgo_grid.electromobility.get_flexibility_bands( edisgo_obj=edisgo_grid, use_case=["home", "work"] )"Run integrity checks.") edisgo_grid.topology.check_integrity() edisgo_grid.electromobility.check_integrity() edisgo_grid.heat_pump.check_integrity() edisgo_grid.dsm.check_integrity() return edisgo_grid def _run_edisgo_task_specs_overlying_grid( self, edisgo_grid, scenario, logger, config, engine ): """ Gets specifications from overlying grid and integrates them into the EDisGo object. The following data is set up: * set generator time series * set up thermal storage units * requirements overlying grid on total renewables curtailment, DSM dispatch, electromobility charging, heat pump dispatch, A dummy time index is set that is later on overwritten by the time index used in eTraGo Parameters ---------- edisgo_grid : :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` EDisGo object. scenario : str Name of scenario to import data for. Possible options are "eGon2035" and "eGon100RE". logger : logger handler config : dict Dictionary with configuration data. engine : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.Engine<sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` Database engine. Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` Returns the complete eDisGo container, also including results """"Start task 'specs_overlying_grid'.")"Get specifications from eTraGo.") specs = get_etrago_results_per_bus(, self._etrago_network, self._pf_post_lopf, self._max_cos_phi_renewable, ) snapshots = specs["timeindex"] # get time steps that don't converge in overlying grid try: convergence = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(config["eGo"]["csv_import_eTraGo"], "pf_solution.csv"), index_col=0, parse_dates=True, ) ts_not_converged = convergence[~convergence.converged].index except FileNotFoundError: "No info on converged time steps, wherefore it is assumed that all " "converged." ) ts_not_converged = pd.Index([]) except Exception: raise # overwrite previously set dummy time index if year that was used differs from # year used in etrago edisgo_year = edisgo_grid.timeseries.timeindex[0].year etrago_year = snapshots[0].year if edisgo_year != etrago_year: timeindex_new_full = pd.date_range( f"1/1/{etrago_year}", periods=8760, freq="H" ) # conventional loads edisgo_grid.timeseries.loads_active_power.index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.timeseries.loads_reactive_power.index = timeindex_new_full # DSM edisgo_grid.dsm.e_max.index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.dsm.e_min.index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.dsm.p_max.index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.dsm.p_min.index = timeindex_new_full # COP and heat demand edisgo_grid.heat_pump.cop_df.index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.heat_pump.heat_demand_df.index = timeindex_new_full # flexibility bands edisgo_grid.electromobility.flexibility_bands[ "upper_power" ].index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.electromobility.flexibility_bands[ "upper_energy" ].index = timeindex_new_full edisgo_grid.electromobility.flexibility_bands[ "lower_energy" ].index = timeindex_new_full # TimeSeries.timeindex edisgo_grid.timeseries.timeindex = snapshots"Set generator time series.") # rename carrier to match with carrier names in overlying grid rename_generator_carriers_edisgo(edisgo_grid) # active power edisgo_grid.set_time_series_active_power_predefined( dispatchable_generators_ts=specs["dispatchable_generators_active_power"], fluctuating_generators_ts=specs["renewables_potential"], ) # reactive power if self._pf_post_lopf: # ToDo (low priority) Use eTraGo time series to set reactive power # (scale by nominal power) edisgo_grid.set_time_series_manual( generators_q=specs["generators_reactive_power"].loc[:, []], ) pass else: edisgo_grid.set_time_series_reactive_power_control( control="fixed_cosphi", generators_parametrisation="default", loads_parametrisation=None, storage_units_parametrisation=None, ) # ToDo (medium priority) for now additional optimised storage capacity is # ignored as capacities are very small and optimisation does not offer storage # positioning # if specs["storage_units_p_nom"] > 0.3: #"Set up large battery storage units.") # edisgo_grid.add_component( # comp_type="storage_unit", # bus=edisgo_grid.topology.mv_grid.station.index[0], # p_nom=specs["storage_units_p_nom"], # max_hours=specs["storage_units_max_hours"], # type="large_storage", # )"Set up thermal storage units.") # decentral hp_decentral = edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.sector == "individual_heating" ] if hp_decentral.empty and specs["thermal_storage_rural_capacity"] > 0: logger.warning( "There are thermal storage units for individual heating but no " "heat pumps." ) if not hp_decentral.empty and specs["thermal_storage_rural_capacity"] > 0: tes_cap_min_cumsum = ( edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.loc[hp_decentral.index, "p_set"] .sort_index() .cumsum() ) hps_selected = tes_cap_min_cumsum[ tes_cap_min_cumsum <= specs["thermal_storage_rural_capacity"] ].index # distribute thermal storage capacity to all selected heat pumps depending # on heat pump size tes_cap = ( edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.loc[hps_selected, "p_set"] * specs["thermal_storage_rural_capacity"] / edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.loc[hps_selected, "p_set"].sum() ) edisgo_grid.heat_pump.thermal_storage_units_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "capacity": tes_cap, "efficiency": specs["thermal_storage_rural_efficiency"], } ) # district heating hp_dh = edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.sector.isin( ["district_heating", "district_heating_resistive_heater"] ) ] # check if there are as many district heating systems in eTraGo as in eDisGo if hp_dh.empty: if len(specs["feedin_district_heating"].columns) != 0: logger.warning( f"There are {len(hp_dh.area_id.unique())} district heating " f"systems in eDisGo and " f"{len(specs['feedin_district_heating'].columns)} in eTraGo." ) else: if len(hp_dh.area_id.unique()) != len( specs["feedin_district_heating"].columns ): logger.warning( f"There are {len(hp_dh.area_id.unique())} district heating " f"systems in eDisGo and " f"{len(specs['feedin_district_heating'].columns)} in eTraGo." ) # check that installed PtH capacity is equal in eTraGo as in eDisGo if abs(hp_dh.p_set.sum() - specs["heat_pump_central_p_nom"]) > 1e-3: logger.warning( f"Installed capacity of PtH units in district heating differs " f"between eTraGo ({specs['heat_pump_central_p_nom']} MW) and " f"eDisGo ({hp_dh.p_set.sum()} MW)." ) if not specs["feedin_district_heating"].empty: # map district heating ID to heat bus ID from eTraGo if scenario.split("_")[-1] == "lowflex": scn = scenario.split("_")[0] else: scn = scenario map_etrago_heat_bus_to_district_heating_id(specs, scn, engine) for dh_id in hp_dh.district_heating_id.unique(): if dh_id in specs["thermal_storage_central_capacity"].index: if specs["thermal_storage_central_capacity"].at[dh_id] > 0: # get PtH unit name to allocate thermal storage unit to comp_name = hp_dh[hp_dh.district_heating_id == dh_id].index[ 0 ] edisgo_grid.heat_pump.thermal_storage_units_df = pd.concat( [ edisgo_grid.heat_pump.thermal_storage_units_df, pd.DataFrame( data={ "capacity": specs[ "thermal_storage_central_capacity" ].at[dh_id], "efficiency": specs[ "thermal_storage_central_efficiency" ], }, index=[comp_name], ), ] )"Set requirements from overlying grid.") # all time series from overlying grid are also kept for low flex scenarios # in order to afterwards check difference in dispatch between eTraGo and eDisGo # curtailment # scale curtailment by ratio of nominal power in eDisGo and eTraGo for carrier in specs["renewables_curtailment"].columns: p_nom_total = specs["renewables_p_nom"][carrier] p_nom_mv_lv = edisgo_grid.topology.generators_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.generators_df["type"] == carrier ].p_nom.sum() specs["renewables_curtailment"][carrier] *= p_nom_mv_lv / p_nom_total # check that curtailment does not exceed feed-in (for all converged time steps) vres_gens = edisgo_grid.topology.generators_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.generators_df["type"].isin( specs["renewables_curtailment"].columns ) ].index pot_vres_gens = edisgo_grid.timeseries.generators_active_power.loc[ :, vres_gens ].sum(axis=1) pot_vres_gens.loc[ts_not_converged] = 0.0 total_curtailment = specs["renewables_curtailment"].loc[:].sum(axis=1) total_curtailment.loc[ts_not_converged] = 0.0 diff = pot_vres_gens - total_curtailment if (diff < 0).any(): # if curtailment is much larger than feed-in, throw an error if (diff < -1e-3).any(): raise ValueError("Curtailment exceeds feed-in!") # if curtailment is only slightly larger than feed-in, this is due to # numerical errors and therefore corrected else: ts_neg_curtailment = diff[(diff < 0)].index total_curtailment.loc[ts_neg_curtailment] += diff.loc[ ts_neg_curtailment ] edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.renewables_curtailment = total_curtailment # battery storage # scale storage time series by ratio of nominal power in eDisGo and eTraGo p_nom_total = specs["storage_units_p_nom"] p_nom_mv_lv = edisgo_grid.topology.storage_units_df.p_nom.sum() edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.storage_units_active_power = ( specs["storage_units_active_power"] * p_nom_mv_lv / p_nom_total ) edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.storage_units_soc = specs["storage_units_soc"] # DSM edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.dsm_active_power = specs["dsm_active_power"] # BEV edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.electromobility_active_power = specs[ "electromobility_active_power" ] # PtH # scale heat pump time series by ratio of nominal power in eDisGo and eTraGo p_nom_total = specs["heat_pump_rural_p_nom"] p_nom_mv_lv = edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.sector.isin( ["individual_heating", "individual_heating_resistive_heater"] ) ].p_set.sum() edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.heat_pump_decentral_active_power = ( specs["heat_pump_rural_active_power"] * p_nom_mv_lv / p_nom_total ) p_nom_total = specs["heat_pump_central_p_nom"] p_nom_mv_lv = edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df[ edisgo_grid.topology.loads_df.sector.isin( ["district_heating", "district_heating_resistive_heater"] ) ].p_set.sum() edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.heat_pump_central_active_power = ( specs["heat_pump_central_active_power"] * p_nom_mv_lv / p_nom_total ) # Other feed-in into district heating edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.feedin_district_heating = specs[ "feedin_district_heating" ] # Thermal storage units SoC edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.thermal_storage_units_decentral_soc = specs[ "thermal_storage_rural_soc" ] edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.thermal_storage_units_central_soc = specs[ "thermal_storage_central_soc" ] # Delete some flex data in case of low flex scenario if scenario in ["eGon2035_lowflex", "eGon100RE_flex"]: # delete DSM and flexibility bands to save disk space edisgo_grid.dsm = edisgo_grid.dsm.__class__() edisgo_grid.electromobility.flexibility_bands = { "upper_power": pd.DataFrame(), "lower_energy": pd.DataFrame(), "upper_energy": pd.DataFrame(), }"Run integrity check.") edisgo_grid.check_integrity() return edisgo_grid def _run_edisgo_task_temporal_complexity_reduction( self, edisgo_grid, logger, config ): """ Runs the temporal complexity reduction to select most critical time periods. Parameters ---------- edisgo_grid : :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` EDisGo object. logger : logger handler config : dict Dictionary with configuration data. engine : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.Engine<sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` Database engine. Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` """"Start task 'temporal complexity reduction'.") # get non-converging time steps try: convergence = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(config["eGo"]["csv_import_eTraGo"], "pf_solution.csv"), index_col=0, parse_dates=True, ) ts_not_converged = convergence[~convergence.converged].index except FileNotFoundError: "No info on converged time steps, wherefore it is assumed that all " "converged." ) ts_not_converged = [] except Exception: raise # set time series data at time steps with non-convergence issues to zero if len(ts_not_converged) > 0: f"{len(ts_not_converged)} time steps did not converge in overlying " f"grid. Time series data at time steps with non-convergence issues is " f"set to zero." ) # set data in TimeSeries object to zero attributes = edisgo_grid.timeseries._attributes for attr in attributes: ts = getattr(edisgo_grid.timeseries, attr) if not ts.empty: ts.loc[ts_not_converged, :] = 0 setattr(edisgo_grid.timeseries, attr, ts) # set data in OverlyingGrid object to zero attributes = edisgo_grid.overlying_grid._attributes for attr in attributes: ts = getattr(edisgo_grid.overlying_grid, attr) if not ts.empty and "soc" not in attr: if isinstance(ts, pd.Series): ts.loc[ts_not_converged] = 0 else: ts.loc[ts_not_converged, :] = 0 setattr(edisgo_grid.overlying_grid, attr, ts) # distribute overlying grid data"Distribute overlying grid data.") edisgo_grid = distribute_overlying_grid_requirements(edisgo_grid) # get critical time intervals results_dir = os.path.join(self._results, str( time_intervals = get_most_critical_time_intervals( edisgo_grid, percentage=1.0, time_steps_per_time_interval=168, time_step_day_start=4, save_steps=True, path=results_dir, use_troubleshooting_mode=True, overloading_factor=0.95, voltage_deviation_factor=0.95, ) # drop time intervals with non-converging time steps if len(ts_not_converged) > 0: # check overloading time intervals for ti in time_intervals.index: # check if there is one time step in time interval that did not converge non_converged_ts_in_ti = [ _ for _ in ts_not_converged if _ in[ti, "time_steps_overloading"] ] if len(non_converged_ts_in_ti) > 0: # if any time step did not converge, set time steps to None[ti, "time_steps_overloading"] = None # check voltage issues time intervals for ti in time_intervals.index: # check if there is one time step in time interval that did not converge non_converged_ts_in_ti = [ _ for _ in ts_not_converged if _ in[ti, "time_steps_voltage_issues"] ] if len(non_converged_ts_in_ti) > 0: # if any time step did not converge, set time steps to None[ti, "time_steps_voltage_issues"] = None # select time intervals if not time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_overloading"].dropna().empty: tmp = time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_overloading"].dropna() time_interval_1 = tmp.iloc[0] time_interval_1_ind = tmp.index[0] else: time_interval_1 = pd.Index([]) time_interval_1_ind = None if not time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_voltage_issues"].dropna().empty: tmp = time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_voltage_issues"].dropna() time_interval_2 = tmp.iloc[0] time_interval_2_ind = tmp.index[0] else: time_interval_2 = pd.Index([]) time_interval_2_ind = None # check if time intervals overlap overlap = [_ for _ in time_interval_1 if _ in time_interval_2] if len(overlap) > 0: "Selected time intervals overlap. Trying to find another " "time interval in voltage_issues intervals." ) # check if time interval without overlap can be found for ti in time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_voltage_issues"].dropna().index: overlap = [ _ for _ in time_interval_1 if _ in[ti, "time_steps_voltage_issues"] ] if len(overlap) == 0: time_interval_2 =[ti, "time_steps_voltage_issues"] time_interval_2_ind = ti break overlap = [_ for _ in time_interval_1 if _ in time_interval_2] if len(overlap) > 0: "Selected time intervals overlap. Trying to find another " "time interval in overloading intervals." ) # check if time interval without overlap can be found for ti in time_intervals.loc[:, "time_steps_overloading"].dropna().index: overlap = [ _ for _ in time_interval_2 if _ in[ti, "time_steps_overloading"] ] if len(overlap) == 0: time_interval_1 =[ti, "time_steps_overloading"] time_interval_1_ind = ti break overlap = [_ for _ in time_interval_1 if _ in time_interval_2] if len(overlap) > 0: "Overlap of selected time intervals cannot be avoided. " "Time intervals are therefore concatenated." ) time_interval_1 = ( time_interval_1.append(time_interval_2).unique().sort_values() ) time_interval_2 = None # save to csv percentage = pd.Series() percentage["time_interval_1"] = ( None if time_interval_1_ind is None else[ time_interval_1_ind, "percentage_max_overloaded_components" ] ) percentage["time_interval_2"] = ( None if time_interval_2_ind is None else[ time_interval_2_ind, "percentage_buses_max_voltage_deviation" ] ) pd.DataFrame( { "time_steps": [time_interval_1, time_interval_2], "percentage": percentage, }, index=["time_interval_1", "time_interval_2"], ).to_csv(os.path.join(results_dir, "selected_time_intervals.csv")) return time_interval_1, time_interval_2 def _run_edisgo_task_optimisation( self, edisgo_grid, scenario, logger, time_intervals, results_dir, reduction_factor=0.3, ): """ Runs the dispatch optimisation. Parameters ---------- edisgo_grid : :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` EDisGo object. scenario : str Name of scenario to define flexible components. Possible options are "eGon2035", "eGon2035_lowflex", "eGon100RE", and "eGon100RE_lowflex". logger : logger handler time_intervals : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with information on time intervals to consider in the optimisation in column "time_steps". results_dir : str Directory where to store OPF results. reduction_factor : float Reduction factor to use in spatial complexity reduction. Per default this is set to 0.3. Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` """"Start task 'optimisation'.") # prepare district heating data # make sure district heating ID is string of integer not float columns_rename = [ str(int(float(_))) for _ in edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.feedin_district_heating.columns ] if len(columns_rename) > 0: edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.feedin_district_heating.columns = columns_rename cols = edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.thermal_storage_units_central_soc.columns columns_rename = [str(int(float(_))) for _ in cols] if len(columns_rename) > 0: edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.thermal_storage_units_central_soc.columns = ( columns_rename ) # aggregate PtH units in same district heating network and subtract feed-in # from other heat sources from heat demand in district heating network aggregate_district_heating_components( edisgo_grid, feedin_district_heating=edisgo_grid.overlying_grid.feedin_district_heating, ) # apply operating strategy so that inflexible heat pumps (without heat # storage units) have a time series edisgo_grid.apply_heat_pump_operating_strategy() timeindex = pd.Index([]) for ti in time_intervals.index: time_steps =[ti, "time_steps"] if time_steps is None: continue else: timeindex = timeindex.append(pd.Index(time_steps)) # copy edisgo object edisgo_copy = deepcopy(edisgo_grid) # temporal complexity reduction reduce_timeseries_data_to_given_timeindex(edisgo_copy, time_steps) # spatial complexity reduction edisgo_copy.spatial_complexity_reduction( mode="kmeansdijkstra", cluster_area="feeder", reduction_factor=reduction_factor, reduction_factor_not_focused=False, ) # OPF # flexibilities in full flex: DSM, decentral and central PtH units, # curtailment, EVs, storage units # flexibilities in low flex: curtailment, storage units psa_net = edisgo_copy.to_pypsa() if scenario in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: flexible_loads = edisgo_copy.dsm.p_max.columns # flexible_hps = ( # edisgo_copy.heat_pump.thermal_storage_units_df.index.values # ) flexible_cps = psa_net.loads.loc[ psa_net.loads.index.str.contains("home") | (psa_net.loads.index.str.contains("work")) ].index.values else: flexible_loads = [] # flexible_hps = [] flexible_cps = [] flexible_hps = edisgo_copy.heat_pump.heat_demand_df.columns.values flexible_storage_units = ( edisgo_copy.topology.storage_units_df.index.values ) edisgo_copy.pm_optimize( flexible_cps=flexible_cps, flexible_hps=flexible_hps, flexible_loads=flexible_loads, flexible_storage_units=flexible_storage_units, s_base=1, opf_version=4, silence_moi=False, method="soc", ) # save OPF results zip_name = f"opf_results_{ti}" if scenario in ["eGon2035_lowflex", "eGon100RE_lowflex"]: zip_name += "_lowflex" directory=os.path.join(results_dir, zip_name), save_topology=True, save_timeseries=False, save_results=False, save_opf_results=True, reduce_memory=True, archive=True, archive_type="zip", ) # write flexibility dispatch results to spatially unreduced edisgo # object edisgo_grid.timeseries._loads_active_power.loc[ time_steps, : ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.loads_active_power edisgo_grid.timeseries._loads_reactive_power.loc[ time_steps, : ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.loads_reactive_power edisgo_grid.timeseries._generators_active_power.loc[ time_steps, : ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.generators_active_power edisgo_grid.timeseries._generators_reactive_power.loc[ time_steps, : ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.generators_reactive_power try: edisgo_grid.timeseries._storage_units_active_power except AttributeError: edisgo_grid.timeseries.storage_units_active_power = pd.DataFrame( index=edisgo_grid.timeseries.timeindex ) edisgo_grid.timeseries._storage_units_active_power.loc[ time_steps, edisgo_copy.timeseries.storage_units_active_power.columns, ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.storage_units_active_power try: edisgo_grid.timeseries._storage_units_reactive_power except AttributeError: edisgo_grid.timeseries.storage_units_reactive_power = pd.DataFrame( index=edisgo_grid.timeseries.timeindex ) edisgo_grid.timeseries._storage_units_reactive_power.loc[ time_steps, edisgo_copy.timeseries.storage_units_reactive_power.columns, ] = edisgo_copy.timeseries.storage_units_reactive_power # write OPF results back edisgo_grid.opf_results.overlying_grid = pd.concat( [ edisgo_grid.opf_results.overlying_grid, edisgo_copy.opf_results.overlying_grid, ] ) edisgo_grid.opf_results.battery_storage_t.p = pd.concat( [ edisgo_grid.opf_results.battery_storage_t.p, edisgo_copy.opf_results.battery_storage_t.p, ] ) edisgo_grid.opf_results.battery_storage_t.e = pd.concat( [ edisgo_grid.opf_results.battery_storage_t.e, edisgo_copy.opf_results.battery_storage_t.e, ] ) edisgo_grid.timeseries.timeindex = timeindex return edisgo_grid def _run_edisgo_task_grid_reinforcement(self, edisgo_grid, logger): """ Runs the grid reinforcement. Parameters ---------- edisgo_grid : :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` EDisGo object. logger : logger handler Returns ------- :class:`edisgo.EDisGo` """"Start task 'grid_reinforcement'.") # overwrite configs with new configs edisgo_grid._config = Config() edisgo_grid = enhanced_reinforce_grid( edisgo_grid, activate_cost_results_disturbing_mode=True, separate_lv_grids=True, separation_threshold=2, copy_grid=False, ) return edisgo_grid def _save_edisgo_results(self): results_dir = self._results if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir) with open(os.path.join(results_dir, "edisgo_args.json"), "w") as fp: json.dump(self._edisgo_args, fp) self._grid_choice.to_csv(os.path.join(results_dir, "grid_choice.csv")) def _load_edisgo_results(self): """ Loads eDisGo data for all specified grids Returns -------- dict[] """ # Load the grid choice from CSV results_dir = self._results self._grid_choice = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(results_dir, "grid_choice.csv"), index_col=0 ) self._grid_choice["represented_grids"] = self._grid_choice.apply( lambda x: eval(x["represented_grids"]), axis=1 ) for idx, row in self._grid_choice.iterrows(): mv_grid_id = int(row["the_selected_network_id"]) try: edisgo_grid = import_edisgo_from_files( edisgo_path=os.path.join(self._csv_import, str(mv_grid_id)), import_topology=True, import_timeseries=False, import_results=True, import_electromobility=False, from_zip_archive=True, dtype="float32", parameters={ "powerflow_results": ["pfa_p", "pfa_q"], "grid_expansion_results": ["grid_expansion_costs"], }, ) self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id] = edisgo_grid"Imported MV grid {}".format(mv_grid_id)) except: # noqa: E722 self._edisgo_grids[mv_grid_id] = "This grid failed to reimport" logger.warning("MV grid {} could not be loaded".format(mv_grid_id))
class _ETraGoData: """ Container for minimal eTraGo network. This minimal network only contains information relevant for eDisGo. Parameters ---------- etrago_network : :pypsa:`PyPSA.Network<network>` """ def __init__(self, etrago_network): def filter_by_carrier( etrago_network_obj, component, carrier, like=True, timeseries=True ): def filter_df_by_carrier(df): if isinstance(carrier, str): if like: return df[df.carrier.str.contains(carrier)] else: return df[df.carrier == carrier] elif isinstance(carrier, list): return df[df.carrier.isin(carrier)] elif carrier is None: return df if timeseries: attribute_to_save = { "links": "p0", "generators": "p", "stores": "p", "storage_units": "p", } attribute_to_save = attribute_to_save[component] df_to_filter = getattr( getattr(etrago_network_obj, component + "_t"), attribute_to_save ) df = df_to_filter.loc[ :, filter_df_by_carrier(getattr(etrago_network_obj, component)).index, ] else: columns_to_save = { "links": ["carrier", "p_nom"], "generators": ["carrier", "p_nom"], "stores": ["carrier", "e_nom"], "storage_units": ["carrier", "p_nom", "max_hours"], } columns_to_save = columns_to_save[component] df_to_filter = getattr(etrago_network_obj, component) df = filter_df_by_carrier(df_to_filter) df = df[columns_to_save] unique_carriers = filter_df_by_carrier( getattr(etrago_network_obj, component) ).carrier.unique() logger.debug( f"{component}, {carrier}, {timeseries}, {df.shape}, {unique_carriers}" ) return df logger.debug( f"Carriers in links " f"{}" ) logger.debug( f"Carriers in generators " f"{}" ) logger.debug( f"Carriers in stores " f"{}" ) logger.debug( f"Carriers in storage_units " f"{}" ) self.snapshots = self.bev_charger = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "BEV", timeseries=False ) self.bev_charger_t = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "BEV", timeseries=True ) self.dsm = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "dsm", timeseries=False ) self.dsm_t = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "dsm", timeseries=True ) self.rural_heat_t = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "rural_heat_pump", timeseries=True ) self.rural_heat_store = filter_by_carrier(, "stores", "rural_heat_store", timeseries=False ) self.central_heat_t = filter_by_carrier(, "links", ["central_heat_pump", "central_resistive_heater"], timeseries=True, ) self.central_heat_store = filter_by_carrier(, "stores", "central_heat_store", timeseries=False ) self.central_gas_chp_t = filter_by_carrier(, "links", "central_gas_chp_t", timeseries=True ) # self.generators = filter_by_carrier(, "generators", None, timeseries=False ) self.generators_t = filter_by_carrier(, "generators", None, timeseries=True ) self.battery_storage_units = filter_by_carrier(, "storage_units", "battery", timeseries=False ) self.battery_storage_units_t = filter_by_carrier(, "storage_units", "battery", timeseries=True )
[docs]def parallelizer( ding0_id_list, func, func_arguments, max_calc_time, workers=mp2.cpu_count(), worker_lifetime=1, ): """ Use python multiprocessing toolbox for parallelization Several grids are analyzed in parallel based on your custom function that defines the specific application of eDisGo. Parameters ---------- ding0_id_list : list of int List of ding0 grid data IDs (also known as HV/MV substation IDs) func : any function Your custom function that shall be parallelized func_arguments : tuple Arguments to custom function ``func`` workers: int Number of parallel process worker_lifetime : int Bunch of grids sequentially analyzed by a worker Notes ----- Please note, the following requirements for the custom function which is to be executed in parallel #. It must return an instance of the type :class:`~.edisgo.EDisGo`. #. The first positional argument is the MV grid district id (as int). It is prepended to the tuple of arguments ``func_arguments`` Returns ------- containers : dict of :class:`~.edisgo.EDisGo` Dict of EDisGo instances keyed by its ID """ def collect_pool_results(result): """ Store results from parallelized calculation in structured manner Parameters ---------- result: :class:`~.edisgo.EDisGo` """ results.update(result) def error_callback(key): # message='Failed' # func_arguments[0]._status_update(key, 'end', message) return lambda o: results.update({key: o}) results = {} max_calc_time_seconds = max_calc_time * 3600 def initializer(): import pickle pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 4 import dill dill.settings["protocol"] = 4 pool = mp2.Pool(workers, initializer=initializer, maxtasksperchild=worker_lifetime) result_objects = {} for ding0_id in ding0_id_list: edisgo_args = (ding0_id, *func_arguments) result_objects[ding0_id] = pool.apply_async( func=func, args=edisgo_args, callback=collect_pool_results, error_callback=error_callback(ding0_id), ) errors = {} successes = {} start = end = (start + td(hours=max_calc_time)).isoformat(" ")"Jobs started. They will time out at {}.".format(end[: end.index(".")])) current = time_spent = 0 while result_objects and ((current - start).seconds <= max_calc_time_seconds): done = [] tick = (current - start).seconds * 100 / max_calc_time_seconds if tick - time_spent >= 1 or tick > 100: hours_to_go = (current - start).seconds / 3600 "{:.2f}% ({:.2f}/{}h) spent".format(tick, hours_to_go, max_calc_time) )"Jobs time out in {:.2f}h.".format(max_calc_time - hours_to_go)) time_spent = tick for grid_id, result in result_objects.items(): if result.ready(): "MV grid {} ready. Trying to `get` the result.".format(grid_id) ) done.append(grid_id) if not result.successful(): try: # We already know that this was not successful, so the # `get` is only here to re-raise the exception that # occurred. result.get() except Exception as e: logger.warning( "MV grid {} failed due to {e!r}: '{e}'.".format( grid_id, e=e ) ) errors[grid_id] = e else:"MV grid {} calculated successfully.".format(grid_id)) successes[grid_id] = result.get()"Done `get`ting the result for MV grid {}.".format(grid_id)) for grid_id in done: del result_objects[grid_id] sleep(1) current = # Now we know that we either reached the timeout, (x)or that all # calculations are done. We just have collect what exactly is the case. # This is done by `get`ting the results with a timeout of 0. If any of them # are not yet done, a `TimeoutError` will be triggered, which we can # collect like all other errors. if not result_objects:"All MV grids stopped before the timeout.") else: logger.warning("Some MV grid simulations timed out.") pool.terminate() end = delta = end - start"Execution finished after {:.2f} hours".format(delta.seconds / 3600)) done = [] for grid_id, result in result_objects.items(): done.append(grid_id) try: successes[grid_id] = result.get(timeout=0)"MV grid {} calculated successfully.".format(grid_id)) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "MV grid {} failed due to {e!r}: '{e}'.".format(grid_id, e=e) ) errors[grid_id] = e for grid_id in done: del result_objects[grid_id] if errors:"MV grid calculation error details:") for grid_id, error in errors.items():" {}".format(grid_id)) strings = TracebackException.from_exception(error).format() lines = [line for string in strings for line in string.split("\n")] for line in lines:" " + line) pool.close() pool.join() return results