Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018 Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description
"""This file contains the eGo main class as well as input & output functions
of eGo in order to build the eGo application container.
import logging
import os

import pandas as pd

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    import re

    from importlib import import_module

    import pypsa

    from egoio.db_tables.model_draft import EgoGridPfHvSource as Source
    from egoio.db_tables.model_draft import EgoGridPfHvTempResolution as TempResolution
    from import db
    from etrago import Etrago
    from etrago.appl import run_etrago
    from import load_config_file
    from sqlalchemy import and_
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

    from import etrago_convert_overnight_cost
    from import EDisGoNetworks
    from import (
    from import get_scenario_setting

logger = logging.getLogger("ego")

__copyright__ = "Europa-Universität Flensburg, " "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = "wolf_bunke,maltesc"

[docs]class egoBasic(object): """The eGo basic class select and creates based on your ``scenario_setting.json`` file your definded eTraGo and eDisGo results container. And contains the session for the database connection. Parameters ---------- jsonpath : :obj:`json` Path to ``scenario_setting.json`` file. Returns ------- json_file : :obj:dict Dictionary of the ``scenario_setting.json`` file session : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session<orm/session_basics.html>` SQLAlchemy session to the OEDB """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ """"Using scenario setting: {}".format(self.jsonpath)) self.json_file = None self.session = None self.scn_name = None self.json_file = get_scenario_setting(jsonpath=self.jsonpath) # Database connection from json_file try: conn = db.connection(section=self.json_file["eTraGo"]["db"]) Session = sessionmaker(bind=conn) self.session = Session()"Connected to Database") except: # noqa: E722 logger.error("Failed connection to Database", exc_info=True) # get scn_name self.scn_name = self.json_file["eTraGo"]["scn_name"]
[docs]class eTraGoResults(egoBasic): """The ``eTraGoResults`` class creates and contains all results of eTraGo and it's network container for eGo. Returns ------- network_etrago: :class:`` eTraGo network object compiled by :func:`etrago.appl.etrago` etrago: :pandas:`pandas.Dataframe<dataframe>` DataFrame which collects several eTraGo results """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ """ super(eTraGoResults, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.etrago = None"eTraGo section started") if self.json_file["eGo"]["result_id"] is not None: # Delete arguments from scenario_setting"Remove given eTraGo settings from scenario_setting") try: self.json_file["eGo"]["eTraGo"] = False for key in self.json_file["eTraGo"].keys(): self.json_file["eTraGo"][key] = "removed by DB recover" # ToDo add scenario_setting for results self.json_file["eTraGo"]["db"] = self.json_file["eTraGo"]["db"]"Add eTraGo scenario_setting from oedb result") # To do .... _prefix = "EgoGridPfHvResult" schema = "model_draft" packagename = "egoio.db_tables" _pkg = import_module(packagename + "." + schema) # get metadata orm_meta = getattr(_pkg, _prefix + "Meta") self.jsonpath = recover_resultsettings( self.session, self.json_file, orm_meta, self.json_file["eGo"]["result_id"], ) # add etrago_disaggregated_network from DB "Recovered eTraGo network uses kmeans: {}".format( self.json_file["eTraGo"]["network_clustering_kmeans"] ) ) except KeyError: pass"Create eTraGo network from oedb result") self._etrago_network = etrago_from_oedb(self.session, self.json_file) if self.json_file["eTraGo"]["disaggregation"] is not False: self._etrago_disaggregated_network = self._etrago_network else: logger.warning("No disaggregated network found in DB") self._etrago_disaggregated_network = None # create eTraGo NetworkScenario if self.json_file["eGo"]["eTraGo"] is True: if self.json_file["eGo"].get("csv_import_eTraGo") is not False:"Import eTraGo network from csv files") self.etrago = Etrago( csv_folder_name=self.json_file["eGo"].get("csv_import_eTraGo") ) else:"Create eTraGo network calcualted by eGo") run_etrago(args=self.json_file["eTraGo"], json_path=None)
[docs]class eDisGoResults(eTraGoResults): """The ``eDisGoResults`` class create and contains all results of eDisGo and its network containers. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(eDisGoResults, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.json_file["eGo"]["eDisGo"] is True:"Create eDisGo network") self._edisgo = EDisGoNetworks( json_file=self.json_file, etrago_network=self.etrago.disaggregated_network, ) else: self._edisgo = None"No eDisGo network") @property def edisgo(self): """ Contains basic informations about eDisGo Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` """ return self._edisgo
[docs]class eGo(eDisGoResults): """Main eGo module which includs all results and main functionalities. Returns ------- network_etrago: :class:`` eTraGo network object compiled by :meth:`etrago.appl.etrago` : :class:`` Contains multiple eDisGo networks edisgo : :pandas:`pandas.Dataframe<dataframe>` aggregated results of eDisGo etrago : :pandas:`pandas.Dataframe<dataframe>` aggregated results of eTraGo """ def __init__(self, jsonpath, *args, **kwargs): self.jsonpath = jsonpath super(eGo, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # add total results here self._total_investment_costs = None self._total_operation_costs = None self._calculate_investment_cost() self._storage_costs = None self._ehv_grid_costs = None self._mv_grid_costs = None def _calculate_investment_cost(self, storage_mv_integration=True): """Get total investment costs of all voltage level for storages and grid expansion """ self._total_inv_cost = pd.DataFrame( columns=["component", "voltage_level", "capital_cost"] ) _grid_ehv = None if "network" in self.json_file["eTraGo"]["extendable"]: _grid_ehv = self.etrago.grid_investment_costs _grid_ehv["component"] = "grid" self._total_inv_cost = self._total_inv_cost.append( _grid_ehv, ignore_index=True ) _storage = None if "storage" in self.json_file["eTraGo"]["extendable"]: _storage = self.etrago.storage_investment_costs _storage["component"] = "storage" self._total_inv_cost = self._total_inv_cost.append( _storage, ignore_index=True ) _grid_mv_lv = None if self.json_file["eGo"]["eDisGo"] is True: _grid_mv_lv = self.edisgo.grid_investment_costs if _grid_mv_lv is not None: _grid_mv_lv["component"] = "grid" _grid_mv_lv["differentiation"] = "domestic" self._total_inv_cost = self._total_inv_cost.append( _grid_mv_lv, ignore_index=True ) # add overnight costs self._total_investment_costs = self._total_inv_cost self._total_investment_costs["overnight_costs"] = etrago_convert_overnight_cost( self._total_investment_costs["capital_cost"], self.json_file ) # Include MV storages into the _total_investment_costs dataframe if storage_mv_integration is True: if _grid_mv_lv is not None: self._integrate_mv_storage_investment() # sort values self._total_investment_costs["voltage_level"] = pd.Categorical( self._total_investment_costs["voltage_level"], ["ehv", "hv", "mv", "lv", "mv/lv"], ) self._total_investment_costs = self._total_investment_costs.sort_values( "voltage_level" ) self._storage_costs = _storage self._ehv_grid_costs = _grid_ehv self._mv_grid_costs = _grid_mv_lv def _integrate_mv_storage_investment(self): """ Updates the total investment costs dataframe and includes the storage integrated in MV grids. """ costs_df = self._total_investment_costs total_stor = self._calculate_all_extended_storages() mv_stor = self._calculate_mv_storage() integrated_share = mv_stor / total_stor try: if integrated_share > 0: ehv_stor_idx = costs_df.index[ (costs_df["component"] == "storage") & (costs_df["voltage_level"] == "ehv") ][0] int_capital_costs = ( costs_df.loc[ehv_stor_idx]["capital_cost"] * integrated_share ) int_overnight_costs = ( costs_df.loc[ehv_stor_idx]["overnight_costs"] * integrated_share )[ehv_stor_idx, "capital_cost"] = ( costs_df.loc[ehv_stor_idx]["capital_cost"] - int_capital_costs )[ehv_stor_idx, "overnight_costs"] = ( costs_df.loc[ehv_stor_idx]["overnight_costs"] - int_overnight_costs ) new_storage_row = { "component": ["storage"], "voltage_level": ["mv"], "differentiation": ["domestic"], "capital_cost": [int_capital_costs], "overnight_costs": [int_overnight_costs], } new_storage_row = pd.DataFrame(new_storage_row) costs_df = costs_df.append(new_storage_row) self._total_investment_costs = costs_df except: # noqa: E722"Something went wrong with the MV storage distribution.") def _calculate_all_extended_storages(self): """ Returns the all extended storage p_nom_opt in MW. """ etrago_network = self._etrago_disaggregated_network stor_df = etrago_network.storage_units.loc[ (etrago_network.storage_units["p_nom_extendable"] is True) ] stor_df = stor_df[["bus", "p_nom_opt"]] all_extended_storages = stor_df["p_nom_opt"].sum() return all_extended_storages def _calculate_mv_storage(self): """ Returns the storage p_nom_opt in MW, integrated in MV grids """ etrago_network = self._etrago_disaggregated_network min_extended = 0.3 stor_df = etrago_network.storage_units.loc[ (etrago_network.storage_units["p_nom_extendable"] is True) & (etrago_network.storage_units["p_nom_opt"] > min_extended) & (etrago_network.storage_units["max_hours"] <= 20.0) ] stor_df = stor_df[["bus", "p_nom_opt"]] integrated_storage = 0.0 # Storage integrated in MV grids for idx, row in stor_df.iterrows(): mv_grid_id = row["bus"] p_nom_opt = row["p_nom_opt"] if not mv_grid_id: continue "Checking storage integration for MV grid {}".format(mv_grid_id) ) grid_choice = self.edisgo.grid_choice cluster = grid_choice.loc[ [ mv_grid_id in repr_grids for repr_grids in grid_choice["represented_grids"] ] ] if len(cluster) == 0: continue else: representative_grid = cluster["the_selected_network_id"].values[0] if hasattr([representative_grid], "network"): integration_df =[ representative_grid ].network.results.storages integrated_power = integration_df["nominal_power"].sum() / 1000 else: integrated_power = 0.0 if integrated_power > p_nom_opt: integrated_power = p_nom_opt integrated_storage = integrated_storage + integrated_power return integrated_storage @property def total_investment_costs(self): """ Contains all investment informations about eGo Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` """ return self._total_investment_costs @property def total_operation_costs(self): """ Contains all operation costs information about eGo Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` """ self._total_operation_costs = self.etrago.operating_costs # append eDisGo return self._total_operation_costs
[docs] def plot_total_investment_costs(self, filename=None, display=False, **kwargs): """Plot total investment costs""" if filename is None: filename = "results/plot_total_investment_costs.pdf" display = True return plot_grid_storage_investment( self._total_investment_costs, filename=filename, display=display, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_power_price(self, filename=None, display=False): """Plot power prices per carrier of calculation""" if filename is None: filename = "results/plot_power_price.pdf" display = True return power_price_plot(self, filename=filename, display=display)
[docs] def plot_storage_usage(self, filename=None, display=False): """Plot storage usage by charge and discharge""" if filename is None: filename = "results/plot_storage_usage.pdf" display = True return plot_storage_use(self, filename=filename, display=display)
[docs] def plot_edisgo_cluster(self, filename=None, display=False, **kwargs): """Plot the Clustering of selected Dingo networks""" if filename is None: filename = "results/plot_edisgo_cluster.pdf" display = True return plot_edisgo_cluster(self, filename=filename, display=display, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_line_expansion(self, **kwargs): """Plot line expantion per line""" return plot_line_expansion(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_storage_expansion(self, **kwargs): """Plot storage expantion per bus""" return plot_storage_expansion(self, **kwargs)
@property def iplot(self): """Get iplot of results as html""" return igeoplot(self) # write_results_to_db():"Initialisation of eGo Results")
[docs]def results_to_excel(ego): """ Wirte results of ego.total_investment_costs to an excel file """ # Write the results as xlsx file # ToDo add time of calculation to file name # add xlsxwriter to setup writer = pd.ExcelWriter("open_ego_results.xlsx", engine="xlsxwriter") # write results of installed Capacity by fuels ego.total_investment_costs.to_excel( writer, index=False, sheet_name="Total Calculation" ) # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.
# buses
[docs]def etrago_from_oedb(session, json_file): """Function which import eTraGo results for the Database by the ``result_id`` number. Parameters ---------- session : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session<orm/session_basics.html>` SQLAlchemy session to the OEDB json_file : :obj:`dict` Dictionary of the ``scenario_setting.json`` file Returns ------- network_etrago: :class:`` eTraGo network object compiled by :meth:`etrago.appl.etrago` """ result_id = json_file["eGo"]["result_id"] # functions def map_ormclass(name): """ Function to map sqlalchemy classes """ try: _mapped[name] = getattr(_pkg, _prefix + name) except AttributeError: logger.warning("Relation %s does not exist." % name) return _mapped def id_to_source(query): # ormclass = map_ormclass(name) # query = session.query(ormclass).filter(ormclass.result_id == result_id) # TODO column naming in database return {k.source_id: for k in query.all()} def dataframe_results(name, session, result_id, ormclass): """ Function to get pandas DataFrames by the result_id Parameters ---------- session : :sqlalchemy:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session<orm/session_basics.html>` SQLAlchemy session to the OEDB """ query = session.query(ormclass).filter(ormclass.result_id == result_id) if name == "Transformer": name = "Trafo" df = pd.read_sql(query.statement, session.bind, index_col=name.lower() + "_id") if name == "Link": df["bus0"] = df.bus0.astype(int) df["bus1"] = df.bus1.astype(int) if "source" in df: source_orm = Source source_query = session.query(source_orm) df.source = if str(ormclass)[:-2].endswith("T"): df = pd.Dataframe() return df def series_results(name, column, session, result_id, ormclass): """ Function to get Time Series as pandas DataFrames by the result_id Parameters ---------- session: : sqlalchemy: `sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session<orm/session_basics.html>` SQLAlchemy session to the OEDB """ # TODO - check index of bus_t and soon is wrong! # TODO: pls make more robust id_column = re.findall(r"[A-Z][^A-Z]*", name)[0] + "_" + "id" id_column = id_column.lower() query = session.query( getattr(ormclass, id_column), getattr(ormclass, column).label(column) ).filter(and_(ormclass.result_id == result_id)) df = query.statement, session.bind, columns=[column], index_col=id_column ) df.index = df.index.astype(str) # change of format to fit pypsa df = df[column].apply(pd.Series).transpose() try: assert not df.empty df.index = timeindex except AssertionError: logger.warning("No data for {} in column {}.".format(name, column)) return df # create config for results path = os.getcwd() # add meta_args with args of results config = load_config_file(path + "/tools/config.json")["results"] # map and Database settings of etrago_from_oedb() _prefix = "EgoGridPfHvResult" schema = "model_draft" packagename = "egoio.db_tables" _pkg = import_module(packagename + "." + schema) temp_ormclass = "TempResolution" carr_ormclass = "Source" _mapped = {} # get metadata orm_meta = getattr(_pkg, _prefix + "Meta") # check result_id result_id_in = ( session.query(orm_meta.result_id).filter(orm_meta.result_id == result_id).all() ) if result_id_in:"Choosen result_id %s found in DB", result_id) else:"Error: result_id not found in DB") # get meta data as args meta_args = recover_resultsettings(session, json_file, orm_meta, result_id) # get TempResolution temp = TempResolution tr = session.query( temp.temp_id, temp.timesteps, temp.resolution, temp.start_time ).one() timeindex = pd.DatetimeIndex( start=tr.start_time, periods=tr.timesteps, freq=tr.resolution ) timeindex = timeindex[ meta_args["eTraGo"]["start_snapshot"] - 1 : meta_args["eTraGo"]["end_snapshot"] ] # create df for PyPSA network network = pypsa.Network() network.set_snapshots(timeindex) timevarying_override = False if pypsa.__version__ == "0.11.0": old_to_new_name = { "Generator": { "p_min_pu_fixed": "p_min_pu", "p_max_pu_fixed": "p_max_pu", "source": "carrier", "dispatch": "former_dispatch", }, "Bus": {"current_type": "carrier"}, "Transformer": {"trafo_id": "transformer_id"}, "Storage": { "p_min_pu_fixed": "p_min_pu", "p_max_pu_fixed": "p_max_pu", "soc_cyclic": "cyclic_state_of_charge", "soc_initial": "state_of_charge_initial", "source": "carrier", }, } timevarying_override = True else: old_to_new_name = { "Storage": { "soc_cyclic": "cyclic_state_of_charge", "soc_initial": "state_of_charge_initial", } } # get data into dataframes"Start building eTraGo results network") for comp, comp_t_dict in config.items(): orm_dict = map_ormclass(comp) pypsa_comp_name = "StorageUnit" if comp == "Storage" else comp ormclass = orm_dict[comp] if not comp_t_dict: df = dataframe_results(comp, session, result_id, ormclass) if comp in old_to_new_name: tmp = old_to_new_name[comp] df.rename(columns=tmp, inplace=True) network.import_components_from_dataframe(df, pypsa_comp_name) if comp_t_dict: for name, columns in comp_t_dict.items(): name = name[:-1] pypsa_comp_name = name if name == "Storage": pypsa_comp_name = "StorageUnit" if name == "Transformer": name = "Trafo" for col in columns: df_series = series_results(name, col, session, result_id, ormclass) # TODO: VMagPuSet? if timevarying_override and comp == "Generator": idx = df[df.former_dispatch == "flexible"].index idx = [i for i in idx if i in df_series.columns] df_series.drop(idx, axis=1, inplace=True) try: network, df_series, pypsa_comp_name, col ) except (ValueError, AttributeError): logger.warning( "Series %s of component %s could not be" " imported" % (col, pypsa_comp_name) )"Imported eTraGo results of id = %s ", result_id) return network
[docs]def recover_resultsettings(session, json_file, orm_meta, result_id): """Recover scenario_setting from database""" # check result_id result_id_in = ( session.query(orm_meta.result_id).filter(orm_meta.result_id == result_id).all() ) # get meta data as json_file meta = session.query( orm_meta.result_id, orm_meta.scn_name, orm_meta.calc_date, orm_meta.user_name, orm_meta.method, orm_meta.start_snapshot, orm_meta.end_snapshot, orm_meta.solver, orm_meta.settings, ).filter(orm_meta.result_id == result_id) meta_df = pd.read_sql(meta.statement, meta.session.bind, index_col="result_id") # update json_file with main data by result_id json_file["eTraGo"]["scn_name"] = meta_df.scn_name[result_id] json_file["eTraGo"]["method"] = meta_df.method[result_id] json_file["eTraGo"]["start_snapshot"] = meta_df.start_snapshot[result_id] json_file["eTraGo"]["end_snapshot"] = meta_df.end_snapshot[result_id] json_file["eTraGo"]["solver"] = meta_df.solver[result_id] # update json_file with specific data by result_id meta_set = dict(meta_df.settings[result_id]) for key in json_file["eTraGo"].keys(): try: json_file["eTraGo"][key] = meta_set[key] except KeyError: pass return json_file
if __name__ == "__main__": pass